6 WEEKS / SATURDAYS / NOV. 16 - DEC. 21 / 12PM-1:30PM / AGES 10-16 / $180
This engaging, hands-on course introduces students to the fundamentals of comic book creation, with a focus on character design, color theory, and layout techniques. Over six days, students will develop their skills through interactive lessons and activities, culminating in a finished comic book.
1ST CLASS: Introduction to Color Theory & Character Shape Archetypes (Quick review for returning students)
Students will receive a brief overview of color theory and its application in comic art.
We will explore character shape archetypes, discussing how shapes and color influence character perception.
2ND CLASS: Positive & Negative Space, Lighting, and Inking Techniques
We'll dive into the concepts of positive and negative space, as well as basic lighting and inking techniques.
Examples from renowned artists Akira Toriyama, Mike Mignola, and Tim Sale will be used to illustrate these concepts.
3RD CLASS: Coloring Techniques
Students will explore various coloring traditional techniques to bring their comics to life.
4TH CLASS: Comic Page Layout and Penciling
Students will learn to set up full-size comic book pages, using rulers to create guidelines and panels.
Penciling techniques will be introduced as they begin their sketches.
5TH CLASS: Inking & Initial Coloring
Inking skills will be refined as students trace over their penciled sketches.
They will start adding color to their inked artwork.
6TH CLASS: Final Coloring & Presentation
Students will complete their coloring and prepare for a class presentation.
Each student will showcase their finished comic book page(s), sharing their creative process and inspirations.